Performance Improvement Of A Portable Electric Generator By Bio-fuel And Gasoline
  • Author(s): Jaideep Rawal
  • Paper ID: 1701937
  • Page: 79-83
  • Published Date: 15-02-2020
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 3 Issue 8 February-2020

Performance of an electrical generator using bio-fuel and gasoline blends of different composition as fuel in a single cylinder engine is presented. The effect of an optimized blend ratio of bio-fuel with gasoline on engine performance improvement and thereby on the electrical generator output is studied. The effects of different bio-fuel/gasoline blending ratios are compared experimentally with that of the gasoline alone using the output power developed by the electric generator as the evaluation parameter. Bio-fuels such as ethanol, butanol and methanol are blended with gasoline in different proportions and evaluated for performance. With a composition of 11% ethanol?gasoline, the engine performance is increased up to 7% and with a blending ratio of 21% butanol?gasoline the performance is increased up to 9% compared to the use of 100% gasoline


IRE Journals:
Jaideep Rawal "Performance Improvement Of A Portable Electric Generator By Bio-fuel And Gasoline" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 8 2020 Page 79-83

Jaideep Rawal "Performance Improvement Of A Portable Electric Generator By Bio-fuel And Gasoline" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(8)