The State Governments have a bulk of the financial and legislative obligations for the road sector, with development and maintenance activities executed through the respective Public Works Department (PWDs). Some States have also set up more commercially oriented Road Development Corporations, while State level nodal agencies for infrastructure development are also stakeholders in the road sector as apart of abroader mandate. Apart from the entities in the State Governments, the local Government bodies also play a role in the development and maintenance of urban /rural roads in the areas of administration. The Ministry of Road Transport &Highways (MoRTH) is the nodal Ministry in the Country for the road sector. It is primarily responsible for the development and maintenance of National Highways and formulation & implementation of policies on road transport in the Country, including the administration of the Central Motor Vehicles Act. MoRTH?s responsibility for development and O&M of the NH network is now shared by NHAI inpart, while the remaining part is developed and maintain by the Ministry through the State PWDs. The MoRTH is also responsible for evolving standards and specifications for roads and bridges in the Country, drawing from its repository of technical information. The Indian Road Congress (IRC), under the administration of the MoRTH, plays a key role in the development of such standards. In addition the Ministry is also responsible for the National Institute for Training of Highway Engineers (now called Indian Academy of Highway Engineers), a collaborative body of the Central and State Government of acilitate training of highway engineers.
MoRTH, Administration, PWD, Highway Projects, India
IRE Journals:
Ashok Kumar Adarsha , Ashish Pruthviraj Waghmare
"Rehabilitation And Up-Gradation Of National Highway Project In India" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 6 2019 Page 192-196
Ashok Kumar Adarsha , Ashish Pruthviraj Waghmare
"Rehabilitation And Up-Gradation Of National Highway Project In India" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(6)