Political Causes Of Sport Related Violence And Aggression: A Systematic Review
  • Author(s): Yehualaw Alemu Lake
  • Paper ID: 1701850
  • Page: 50-53
  • Published Date: 18-01-2020
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 3 Issue 7 January-2020

Sporting violence and aggression, on the part of participants and spectators, frequently existed in many locations throughout the world and it remains at an alarming stage. Aggressiveness and violence has multi-causal and multi-variant agents including (coaches, referees, parents/spectators); situations like training, matches and scorings etc. This study attempts to examine the contribution of politics in violence and aggression in sporting arena. So that the result of this study shows that reinforcement of aggressive acts by players, coaches, parents, or mass media and verbal abuse by players, parents, coaches, and fans as well as playing violent video games, nature of the sport, Fans? rivalry, frustration, Overcrowding and a poorly maintained sports facility are not the only causes of violence and aggression in sport, rather ethnic politics in ethnic federalism has a great contribution for violence and aggression sport.


sport aggression, sport violence, spectator violence, fan violence, crowd violence, team violence and player violence


IRE Journals:
Yehualaw Alemu Lake "Political Causes Of Sport Related Violence And Aggression: A Systematic Review" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 7 2020 Page 50-53

Yehualaw Alemu Lake "Political Causes Of Sport Related Violence And Aggression: A Systematic Review" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(7)