A Micro Controller Based Electronic Payment System For Cashless Transportation Systems
  • Author(s): K. G. Akintola ; O. S. Eluyode ; O. O. Oyedele
  • Paper ID: 1701734
  • Page: 25-29
  • Published Date: 09-11-2019
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 3 Issue 5 November-2019

In Nigeria, the transportation system still uses the cash system for payment. This wastes a lot of time and also there is the problem of obtaining balances. There is therefore the need to develop a smart system that can be used for payment. This paper presents a report of a project that aims at using microcontrollers and Radio Frequency identifies (RFID readers and cards) to tackle the problems of current public transportation payment system. Our application will make use of RFID cards in online payment using ?e-money? system. ?e-money? is money in electronic form, that takes the form of a card which has money balance stored on it through electronic means. Once this money is recorded or loaded on a card it ceases to have association with any account but exists just as a claim on some financial institution. When a passenger boards a vehicle, his tag is scanned using the RFID reader and the transport cost is automatically deducted from the card. A prototype of the system developed and tested in the computer laboratory of Federal University of Technology Akure (FUTA) is found to be very effective and efficient as a transportation payment method


Cryptocurrency, RFID, Microcontroller, e-money, Cloud


IRE Journals:
K. G. Akintola , O. S. Eluyode , O. O. Oyedele "A Micro Controller Based Electronic Payment System For Cashless Transportation Systems" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 5 2019 Page 25-29

K. G. Akintola , O. S. Eluyode , O. O. Oyedele "A Micro Controller Based Electronic Payment System For Cashless Transportation Systems" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(5)