Optimization of Piston Skirt Profiles to Reduce Friction-Induced Noise and Wear
  • Author(s): Vikrant Rayate
  • Paper ID: 1701728
  • Page: 181-193
  • Published Date: 30-11-2019
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 3 Issue 5 November-2019

The piston skirt is one of the most critical components in internal combustion engines, since it has great influence on global performance, efficiency, and durability. It is further responsible for stabilizing piston movement while maintaining contact with the cylinder liner and acts as a major contributor to friction, noise, and wear characteristics. Advanced optimization techniques in refining piston skirt profiles with the purpose of improving their tribological behavior and reducing noise and wear caused by friction are reviewed here. Coupling this with rigorous experimental methodology, leading computational tools such as finite element analyses and computational fluid dynamics are used in this research and provide a wide-ranging framework through which the design of piston skirts can be developed. Material innovations, such as the application of advanced nano-coatings-Diamond-Like Carbon (DLC) and graphite-based composites-are under evaluation for their effectiveness with regard to wear and friction reduction. These coatings significantly improve lubrication regimes and contribute to a more uniform stress distribution across the piston skirt surface. Friction reductions of 25%, besides the wear depth reduction by 40% for optimized profiles, were supported in simulation and experimentally by the application of a specially designed test rig. Furthermore, an extension into vibration analysis points to noise emission reduction by 15 dB for satisfying consumers' needs about quieter engines and limitation regulations on noise. The results point out the interdisciplinary approach that combines computational simulations, material science, and experimental validation. Focusing on sustainability, this research work presents environmentally friendly solutions to improve fuel efficiency, reduce maintenance costs, and prolong engine life. These results have widespread applications in the automotive sector and provide ways of achieving durable, efficient, and high-performance engines that meet modern engineering and sustainability goals.


Piston Skirt Profiles, Friction-Induced Noise, Wear Reduction, Tribology, Internal Combustion Engines, Optimization Techniques, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Finite Element Analysis (FEA), Nano-Coatings


IRE Journals:
Vikrant Rayate "Optimization of Piston Skirt Profiles to Reduce Friction-Induced Noise and Wear" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 5 2019 Page 181-193

Vikrant Rayate "Optimization of Piston Skirt Profiles to Reduce Friction-Induced Noise and Wear" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(5)