Design And Stress Analysis Of Threshing Cylinder Drum For A Combine Paddy Harvester (25HP)
  • Author(s): Wint Wint Thet ; Soe Kyaw ; Myint Myint Sein
  • Paper ID: 1701717
  • Page: 185-190
  • Published Date: 25-10-2019
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 3 Issue 4 October-2019

Threshing is the most important function of grain harvester. Grain loss and damage in harvesting are significantly related to threshing theory and technology. There are four kinds of threshing principles including impact, rubbing, combing and grinding. Four types of contact models between grain and threshing components have been constructed correspondently. Grain damage can be regarded as a function of peripheral velocity and contact pattern of impacting. Tangential and axial threshing technologies have been applied in grain threshing system widely. The purpose of this paper is to design the threshing cylinder for combine paddy harvester (25hp) and to analysis the shear stress distribution in threshing cylinder due to applied torque in it. This paper discusses about the threshing cylinder of combine paddy harvester as axial flow type produced in Industrial Zone at Pyay. The threshing cylinder is attracted with threshing discs, bars and teeth. The threshing cylinder is constructed with mild steel and threshing teeth are made with medium carbon steel.The speed of the threshing shaft is 540rpm at power supplied 8kW. The theoretical results are achieved shear stress is 5.49MN/m² and the angle of twist is 0.297. The validation of model is compared with the theoretical and simulation results of shear stress and the angle of twist are within the limits. Weight of threshing cylinder,power, pulley design, belt design, shaft diameter, threshing torque, torsional moment, bearing design, and critical speed are considered in this paper.


Grain Harvester, Axial flow stress analysis,Critical speed, Power, Shaft diameter


IRE Journals:
Wint Wint Thet , Soe Kyaw , Myint Myint Sein "Design And Stress Analysis Of Threshing Cylinder Drum For A Combine Paddy Harvester (25HP)" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 4 2019 Page 185-190

Wint Wint Thet , Soe Kyaw , Myint Myint Sein "Design And Stress Analysis Of Threshing Cylinder Drum For A Combine Paddy Harvester (25HP)" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(4)