• Author(s): Dr. R.JAYANTHI
  • Paper ID: 1701630
  • Page: 59-64
  • Published Date: 20-09-2019
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 3 Issue 3 September-2019

History of Mathematics reveals that whenever a society gave due weightage to the knowledge of Mathematics, it has made a tremendous progress. Mathematics makes its contribution in the advancement of science and technology. Mathematics is the common heritage of mankind and it is not the exclusive property of any particular nation, race or country. What we possess in the form of Mathematical knowledge today is the fruit of the combined efforts of all human beings. So it is no exaggeration to say that history of Mathematics is the history of civilization. Mathematics lies at the heart of commerce as all the processes of economics depend on an understanding of the ways numbers work, how they interact with reality and how certain equations which would normally have a simple solution, are never-ending. Mathematics has a number of very useful benefits to our mind if we go into its study. It develops our reasoning, helps us to have analytical thinking, quickens our mind, generates practicality and also its use can be applied in the day to day. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the role of Mathematics in the development of the society. This study was done based on secondary data collected from multiple sources of evidence, in addition to books, journals, websites, and newspapers. "Mathematics as a language in which God has written the world ? Galileo"


Mathematics, Society, Development, Knowledge, Science and Technology


IRE Journals:
Dr. R.JAYANTHI "MATHEMATICS IN SOCIETY DEVELOPMENT - A STUDY" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 3 2019 Page 59-64

Dr. R.JAYANTHI "MATHEMATICS IN SOCIETY DEVELOPMENT - A STUDY" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(3)