Structural Analysis Of Shafts And Performance Test Of Paddy Thresher
  • Author(s): Theint Theint Ei ; Aung Ko Latt ; Htay Htay Win
  • Paper ID: 1701614
  • Page: 1-7
  • Published Date: 08-09-2019
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 3 Issue 3 September-2019

The main objective of this study is to design the threshing drum shaft, shaker shaft, fan shaft and to analyze structural behaviors on these shafts and then to select the bearings. In this study, an axial-flow type paddy thresher (5.97kW) with 450mm cylinder diameter and 1028.7mm cylinder length was designed. This paper discusses about the shafts of axial-flow type paddy thresher produced in Aung Paddy Thresher Industrial Zone at Mandalay. The major components of the machine are threshing, separating and cleaning units. Shaft design consists mainly of the determination of the correct shaft diameter to ensure satisfactory strength when the shaft is transmitting power under various load conditions. The models of these shafts are drawn by using SolidWorks software. The stress distribution on these shafts are expressed by theoretical and numerical approaches. The theoretical and simulation results data of von-Mises stress for shaker shaft is 53.528 MPa and 48.048 MPa, for fan shaft is 43.077 MPa and 38.218 MPa. Percent deviation of shaker shaft and fan shaft is 8% and 10 % respectively. Von-Mises stresses of these shafts do not exceed yield strength value. In performance test, mean threshing capacity at different drum speed is also calculated. So, this design is satisfied.


Axial-flow paddy thresher, Structural analysis of shaker shaft and fan shaft, Performance test


IRE Journals:
Theint Theint Ei , Aung Ko Latt , Htay Htay Win "Structural Analysis Of Shafts And Performance Test Of Paddy Thresher" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 3 2019 Page 1-7

Theint Theint Ei , Aung Ko Latt , Htay Htay Win "Structural Analysis Of Shafts And Performance Test Of Paddy Thresher" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(3)