A MATLAB Approach For Fault Location On Power System Transmission Line Using Traveling Wave Method
  • Author(s): V. C. OGBOH ; E. A. EZEAKUDO ; E. A. ANAZIA
  • Paper ID: 1701610
  • Page: 41-46
  • Published Date: 17-09-2019
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 3 Issue 3 September-2019

Traveling waves is generated on power system transmission line due to the constant propagation of electrical voltage and current in both directions of the line. Faults on power system transmission line was detected and located using a fault distance location system modeled using matlab 2016. The model was simulated with the transmission line parameters. Also phase A ? G fault was simulated. The result show that, the phase A ? G fault occurred at a distance point of 40km with a fault current of 0.48pu (figure 9) and 0.085pu (figure 10) corresponding with the fault distance and higher than the fault current of the line when the fault has not occurred.


Matlab/Simulink, Travelling wave, transmission line


IRE Journals:
V. C. OGBOH , E. A. EZEAKUDO , E. A. ANAZIA "A MATLAB Approach For Fault Location On Power System Transmission Line Using Traveling Wave Method" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 3 2019 Page 41-46

V. C. OGBOH , E. A. EZEAKUDO , E. A. ANAZIA "A MATLAB Approach For Fault Location On Power System Transmission Line Using Traveling Wave Method" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(3)