The physic-chemical condition of water plays a vital role in the wetland ecosystem. The various physico-chemical parameters of water of Baghel Taal have been studied during July,2018to June., 2019 to find out its impact on fish food production. Various physico-chemical factors viz,; temperature, transparency, pH, dissolved oxygen, free carbondioxide, total alkalinity, total hardness, nitrates and phosphate fluctuate within a range conducive to high biological productivity. Total 23 species of phytoplankton and 20 species of zooplankton were recorded. Bimodal pattern of seasonal variation of plankton was found, with a primary peak in the month of July and secondary peak in January. The physico-chemical and biological conditions were suitable for fish culture.
Physico-chemical factors, plankton diversity, Wetland, Baghel Taal
IRE Journals:
Sadguru Prakash , Dharmendra Singh
"Limnology of Baghel Taal, a Wetland of District Bahraich (U. P.)" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 3 2019 Page 151-158
Sadguru Prakash , Dharmendra Singh
"Limnology of Baghel Taal, a Wetland of District Bahraich (U. P.)" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(3)