This paper deals with energy production from the gravity. Moreover, this paper is also intended to gain the useful and green energy by using gravity effect. In this paper, two-stage mechanical oscillator with gear mechanism, cam mechanisms and dynamo is fabricated to conduct the experiment. The process of this machine is that when the pendulum is applied with the input energy, the pendulum oscillates on the free movable pivot point and this oscillation effect can move the lever arm to produce the second oscillation motion as same as seesaw arrangement system. Meanwhile, at the other edge of the lever arm, the output can be available as the impact effect. This effect can be used as the output energy to drive the other mechanisms such as hammer, water pump, electric motor, and generator for the useful energy. As the results, the output energy is the maximum (41.2 N) at l1 = 435 mm, m2 = 8.7 kg, Ø0 = 60°, m1 = 3.2 kg and l2 = 610 mm for this machine. The significant considerable key points of this machine are mass balancing and friction to gain optimum output energy. As the weak point, the input energy needs to be continuous and the output energy is intermittent. However, compared with the other energy devices, this gravity machine can provide energy at any time and location as the advantages.
Gravity, Pendulum, Gravity Machine, Two-stage Mechanical Oscillator, Electrical Energy, Gravitational Energy
IRE Journals:
Than Than Htike , Han Lwin Soe , Kyaw Myat Moe
"Experimental Investigation Of Energy Production By Using Pendulum" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 2 2019 Page 529-533
Than Than Htike , Han Lwin Soe , Kyaw Myat Moe
"Experimental Investigation Of Energy Production By Using Pendulum" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(2)