The objective of this paper is to design the shelling cylinder for maize sheller and to analyze the structural behaviors on the shelling cylinder due to applied impact load and toque on it. This paper discusses about the shelling cylinder of maize sheller as axial flow type produced in Aung-Paddy and Maize Sheller Industrial Zone at Mandalay. The shelling cylinder consists of spike teeth to shell the corn, which are constructed with gray cast iron. The shelling cylinder?s diameter is 184 mm and length of cylinder is 460 mm. The speed of shelling cylinder is 302 rpm at power supplied 1.1 kW. Weight of shelling cylinder, power, shelling torque are estimated in this paper. Solid Works software is used for modeling and analysis of the shelling cylinder of maize sheller. The stress distribution on shelling cylinder is expressed by theoretically and numerically approach. The theoretical and numerical result data of maximum von-Mises stresses are 23.111 MPa and 20.588 MPa for gray cast iron. The percentage error is 11%. The yield strength of gray cast iron is 276 MPa. The theoretical and numerical results of maximum von-Mises stresses are not exceed the yield strength. Therefore, this design is satisfied
Axial flow, Maize Sheller, Structural Analysis of Shelling Cylinder, Shelling Cylinder
IRE Journals:
Dr. Htay Htay Win , Maung Thwin Han Thar
"Design And Structural Analysis Of Shelling Cylinder For Maize Sheller" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 2 2019 Page 389-393
Dr. Htay Htay Win , Maung Thwin Han Thar
"Design And Structural Analysis Of Shelling Cylinder For Maize Sheller" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(2)