This research paper is based on reaper and binder machine. It performs cutting and binding simultaneously. Reaper machine is a harvesting tool which cut crop and windrow it on the field. The main components of reaper are header, power source and transmission and frame.During operation in the field we face the problem of arm for binder which transmits the motion from the base mechanism to the fingers which collects the paddy. Therefore, mechanical harvesting such as reaping with reaper, binders and combine harvesters are becoming popular. It is intended that design of the paddy harvesting machine should be durable, reliable, simple and easy to maintain. In this research paper, the designs of reaping gear box and carrier chain system are described. In the reaping mechanism, gear box plays an important role. Thus, the design calculations of bevel gears are calculated and suitable gears and materials are being selected.
Reaper, binder machine, Bevel gears binders, combine harvester, reaping gear box
IRE Journals:
Khin Ohnmar Myo , Aye Thawi Thawi Tun , Thin Thin Maw , Cho Cho Khaing
"Design And Fabrication Of Agricultural Reaper Machine" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 2 2019 Page 315-319
Khin Ohnmar Myo , Aye Thawi Thawi Tun , Thin Thin Maw , Cho Cho Khaing
"Design And Fabrication Of Agricultural Reaper Machine" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(2)