Comparative Study Of Biogas Production With Different Dilution Ratios Of Staw And Water
  • Author(s): Khin Win Aye ; Ni Ni Win ; Aye Aye Thein
  • Paper ID: 1701497
  • Page: 170-175
  • Published Date: 14-08-2019
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 3 Issue 2 August-2019

Excessive utilization of fossil fuel as a primary source of energy brings about several crisis. Therefore, an alternative source of renewable energy, preferably biogas, production via anaerobic digestion technology has become the best solution for these energy issues. Comparing the volume of biogas produced during the digestion of the two substrates of digestion. The volume of biogas produced is always a function of the residence time of digestion and the concentration of organic matter in the experiment. In this study, rice straw was used as the raw materials and mixed with 20% cow dung starter in batch type anaerobic digestion. Among the four different dilution ratios of straw and water (1:0.5, 1:1, 1:1.5 and 1:2 v/v), 1:1 ratio was the optimum for bio-gas production within 20 days period. The addition of nutrient, ammonium molybdate (0.01%, 0.02%, 0.03% and 0.04% w/v) to the anaerobic digester of optimum ratio of rice straw and water were studied and 0.02% w/v was observed to be the best for biogas production. The compositions of gases in biogas without nutrient were observed as 9.8% H2S, 20.2% CO2, 7.5% O2 and 62.5% CH4 and with (0.02% w/v) nutrient were observed as 0.1% H2S, 28.3% CO2, 1.8% O2 and 69.8% CH4. This nutrient addition method was improved the volume of biogas as well as the percentage of me-thane gas.


Biogas; rice straw; water; dilution ratios; methane gas


IRE Journals:
Khin Win Aye , Ni Ni Win , Aye Aye Thein "Comparative Study Of Biogas Production With Different Dilution Ratios Of Staw And Water" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 2 2019 Page 170-175

Khin Win Aye , Ni Ni Win , Aye Aye Thein "Comparative Study Of Biogas Production With Different Dilution Ratios Of Staw And Water" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(2)