• Author(s): Yi Yi Soe ; Khin Zaw
  • Paper ID: 1701496
  • Page: 165-169
  • Published Date: 14-08-2019
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 3 Issue 2 August-2019

This paper focus to investigate the nature of -radiation using the radiation counter. Radioactive disintegrations are random events in nature, so successive determination is needed to get a mean value that would describe the nature of radiation. The nature of radiation can be detected using radiation counter that may identify the type of radiation or not. The radioactive beta source (60Co of 41 kBq) has been used as a standard source. The optimum voltage of 800 V of GM counter has been taken for our detection system to operate the counter properly and not to depend the number of counts too much to the applied high voltage supply. The nature of radiation has been studied with different thickness of absorbers between the radioactive source and GM counter. It is found that the number of beta particles is decreased with increasing absorber thickness. So we can prevent the beta radiation with proper thickness of aluminum. Moreover, other rays (α,,) can also be prevented by using proper material of respective thickness. In this paper, experiment and calculations are done by using the radioactive beta source (60Co of 41 kBq) and GM counter from Department of Physics (Mohnyin).


IRE Journals:
Yi Yi Soe , Khin Zaw "INVESTIGATION OF BETA ( B ) RADIATION WITH ABSORBERS OF DIFFERENT THICKNESS" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 2 2019 Page 165-169

Yi Yi Soe , Khin Zaw "INVESTIGATION OF BETA ( B ) RADIATION WITH ABSORBERS OF DIFFERENT THICKNESS" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(2)