The hydraulic ram is a mechanical water pump that suitable used for agriculture purpose. It can be a good substitute for DC water pump in agriculture use. The hydraulic ram water pumping system has ability to pump water using gravitational energy or the kinetic energy through flowing source of water. This project aims to develop the water ram pump in order to meet the desired delivery head up to 3 meter height with less operation cost. The design head of 9 m and flow rate of 1.693 m3/s. The results from this study show that the less diameter of pressure chamber and higher supply head will create higher pressure.
Hydraulic ram, Design, Pump, Flow Rate, Head.
IRE Journals:
Phyoe Min Than , Cho Cho Khaing , Aye Mya Thandar
"Performance Testing Of A Hydraulic Ram Pumping (Hydram)" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 2 2019 Page 144-150
Phyoe Min Than , Cho Cho Khaing , Aye Mya Thandar
"Performance Testing Of A Hydraulic Ram Pumping (Hydram)" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(2)