This study aimed at developing a living standard procedure for the design of small-scale grid-unconnected solar Electric systems using the roofs of buildings and car parks. The standard procedure developed was validated in the design of a 5 kW grid-off solar electric system for a home.The purpose of this thesis paper is to provide a rural remote commercial purposed shelter with energy demand throughout the whole year by designing a solar PV off-grid system on a tilted rooftop. Also comprehensive overview was conducted throughout the paper for Solar PV systems, parts and components, principle of operation. The design criteria of the off-grid solar PV system were divided into several detailed stages where each stage was conducted upon numerated values thoroughly.
small-scale, roofs, grid-off, solar, electric system
IRE Journals:
Aye Mar Oo , Pwint Phyu Thae
"Design Of Solar Electric System For A Home" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 2 2019 Page 122-127
Aye Mar Oo , Pwint Phyu Thae
"Design Of Solar Electric System For A Home" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(2)