This experiment was carried out to determine the effects of different types of feed on the performance of the zebu heifers. Thirty heifers are divided into three groups to feed eight types of rations. All heifers of almost same age and body weight, receiving basal diet ad-libitum rice straw and grass. There were six types of diet in group I, two types of diet in group II and two types of diet in group III. It was conducted with zebu heifers in Kyaukse and Salin. The experimental period was nine months. Pregnancy loctation and calf were observed. Daily feed consumption and weekly body weight gain of the heifers were recorded. The average weight gain 0.356% for group I (ration No. 6), 0.219 for group II ration No.7) and 0.1884 for group III (ration No.8) were observed. Feed efficiency in group I was 14.08 and 15.51 and 24.62 for group II and III. Feed efficiency, puberty, location period difference of heifers fed with ration No.6 were observed to be the best among the three groups. Body weight gain percentages of heifers were distinct in three groups. Feed efficiency and cost per day for ration No.6 was the lowest among the groups. The disease outbreak and others were observed during the experiment.
Feed, efficiency, heifers, diet, consumption, body weight.247
IRE Journals:
Dr. Myint Myint Khaing , Dr. Mar Too Nyi Bu , Dr. Maung Maung San
"Growth Performance Of Zebu Heifers Under Different Feeding Regtmes" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 2 2019 Page 74-77
Dr. Myint Myint Khaing , Dr. Mar Too Nyi Bu , Dr. Maung Maung San
"Growth Performance Of Zebu Heifers Under Different Feeding Regtmes" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(2)