Curcuma comosaRoxb. Belongs to the family Zingiberaceae. Curcuma comosaRoxb is known as the nannwinkhar or sannwinkhar in Myanmar Curcuma comosaRoxb. Were collected from Put Thaing Village, KyaukseTownship, Mandalay Region. Morphological, histological and elemental analysis of Curcuma comosaRoxb. Were carried out, to get their correct identification. In morphological study, this plants was perennial rhizomatous herbs. Leaves were simple and alternate. The aerial pseudo-stem formed by leaf-sheaths. Inflorescences was tubular spike, axillary, with 1-2 flowers. In histological studies, stomata are present on both surfaces but numerous on lower surface than on the upper surface, tetracytic types. The vascular bundles of midrib and petiole are arranged in a crescent shape, collateral type. The vascular bundles of stem are arranged in a ring shape. From EDXRF data, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and sulfur were major constituents in this plant.
Curcuma comosaRoxb., morphological, histological, surface, elemental analysis
IRE Journals:
Than Than Yee , Aye Aye Myint , Kyi War Yi Lwin
"Study Of Elemental Analysis On Curcuma Comosa Roxb." Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 2 2019 Page 49-55
Than Than Yee , Aye Aye Myint , Kyi War Yi Lwin
"Study Of Elemental Analysis On Curcuma Comosa Roxb." Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(2)