Ethno Botanical Survey Of Medicinal Flora Used For The Treatment Of Malaria In Madobi Town, Kano State - Nigeria
  • Author(s): Mukhtar Y. ; Adam A. I. ; Abdulkadir A. I. ; Yakudima I. I. ; Galalain A. M.
  • Paper ID: 1701471
  • Page: 400-409
  • Published Date: 20-08-2019
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 3 Issue 2 August-2019

More than half of the world populations are at the risk of malaria disease and it has become endemic in almost 102 countries globally thereby accounting for 1.1 million deaths per year. Therefore, the present study for the first time provides an inventory for the herbal species used traditionally in the treatment and management of malaria fever in Madobi Town, Kano State, Nigeria. Thirty six (36) semi-structured questionnaires were employed principally on herbalists, traditional healers, hunters and farmers for the purpose of this study. The findings of the survey revealed that 44 different plant species belonging to 40 genera, cutting across 30 families were cited by the respondents as traditionally employed antimalarial agents by the inhabitants in the study area. Sennaoccidentalis, Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Mangiferaindica of the families Fabaceae, Myrtaceae and Anacardiaceae respectively, were repeatedly mentioned as the three most widely used plants for the treatment of malaria in the study area through oraladministration of concoction made from their leaves with other plants. Interestingly, Swartziamadagascariensis and Olaxsubscopioidea are reported for the first time to be used in the treatment of malaria in this study.In general, the most commonly used families were Fabaceae(11.36%), Anacardiaceae and Combretaceae (9.09%), Rutaceae, Lamiaceae, Myrtaceae and Moraceae(4.55%)respectively. The study recommends further laboratory and clinical research on these plants so as to identify and isolate the lead compounds responsible for this pharmacological activity with a view to develop promising antimalarial drugs.


Malaria, herbal therapy, phytochemicals, preparation, administration


IRE Journals:
Mukhtar Y. , Adam A. I. , Abdulkadir A. I. , Yakudima I. I. , Galalain A. M. "Ethno Botanical Survey Of Medicinal Flora Used For The Treatment Of Malaria In Madobi Town, Kano State - Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 2 2019 Page 400-409

Mukhtar Y. , Adam A. I. , Abdulkadir A. I. , Yakudima I. I. , Galalain A. M. "Ethno Botanical Survey Of Medicinal Flora Used For The Treatment Of Malaria In Madobi Town, Kano State - Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(2)