Customer Satisfaction Towards Royal Enfield Bikes At Bhavani Motors Bidar
  • Author(s): Porf. Srinath Parshetty ; Siddagonda
  • Paper ID: 1701380
  • Page: 158-162
  • Published Date: 18-07-2019
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 3 Issue 1 July-2019

contemplate on consumer loyalty on adjusting towards royal Enfield at Bhavani engines bidar. In the project report the primary data is calculated from personal meeting with the customer of royal Enfield user and the information calculated by the customer from the scheduled questionnaire .also the example size of the responded is 50 and the information investigation and understanding were set up with the assistance of auxiliary information these information gather from the organization site and books ? This survey helps to know the customers perception about the sales service of the Royal Enfield. ? The study helps that to collect the information about customer?s feedback or opinion of the Royal Enfield. ? The study covers the customers of Royal Enfield inBidar. ? The study helps to the company to examine the level of customer satisfaction. ? The study assists the business to develop their promotional activity


Customer Satisfaction, Pricing, Brand, Customer opinion, Perception Towards Bhavani Motors


IRE Journals:
Porf. Srinath Parshetty , Siddagonda "Customer Satisfaction Towards Royal Enfield Bikes At Bhavani Motors Bidar" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 1 2019 Page 158-162

Porf. Srinath Parshetty , Siddagonda "Customer Satisfaction Towards Royal Enfield Bikes At Bhavani Motors Bidar" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(1)