Design And Fabrication Of Hydraulic Metal Bender
  • Author(s): Nwe Ni Tun
  • Paper ID: 1701301
  • Page: 147-151
  • Published Date: 27-06-2019
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 2 Issue 12 June-2019

Bending machine is used to bend a metal sheet, plate and pipe. The aim of this project is to design and construct a portable metal bending machine. This machine is used to bend sheets into curve and the other curvature shapes. And it is convenient for portable work. This machine is the easy way to be carried and can be used at any time and any place. It eases human effort and no required skill workers to operate the machine. It is manually operated metal bending machine with use of metal shaft, hydraulic bottle jack, pedestal bearing and support (frame). This machine works on simple kinematic system instead of complicated design. Due to its light weight and portable system, it can be used by small workshop, fabrication shop and small scale industry. There is no proper small scale bending machine for bending a pipe. A Metal Bending machine uses 3 rollers to bend metal. The common product of metal bending machine are pipe (square and circular) bending if separate attachment of die is provided, sheet bending. During the roll bending process the sheet or plate or pipe is passed through consecutive rollers that gradually apply pressure on the pipe.


3 roll bending, sheet and pipe bending, shaft diameter, bending stresses, strain


IRE Journals:
Nwe Ni Tun "Design And Fabrication Of Hydraulic Metal Bender " Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 2 Issue 12 2019 Page 147-151

Nwe Ni Tun "Design And Fabrication Of Hydraulic Metal Bender " Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 2(12)