A Study On The Shrinkage Control Of Concrete Using Synthetic Fibers (Early Age Shrinkage Control Module 2)
  • Author(s): Suyash Mahadev Khatavkar ; Prof. M.S. Kakamare
  • Paper ID: 1701287
  • Page: 98-102
  • Published Date: 20-06-2019
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 2 Issue 12 June-2019

Time dependent strain measured in an unloaded specimen at constant temperature is called as Shrinkage of concrete. Concrete is subjected to volume changes autogenously due to volume change in a concrete which is an undesirable property which affects long term strength and durability of concrete. Cracking is a common problem experienced by concrete structure due to early age shrinkage in case of slabs type structures that shows much longer surface areas such as pavements, bridge decks precast elements, industrial floors and tunnel lining as compared to other structural components such as beams and columns. There are much more solutions to control or reduce early age shrinkage cracking but introduction of synthetic fiber in addition to a simple concrete mix it has been observed that fiber reduces the cracks forming on the concrete surface. In this paper the fibers were introduced in concrete mix by mixture at the time of mixing of concrete which results in reducing the cracking phenomenon.


IRE Journals:
Suyash Mahadev Khatavkar , Prof. M.S. Kakamare "A Study On The Shrinkage Control Of Concrete Using Synthetic Fibers (Early Age Shrinkage Control Module 2)" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 2 Issue 12 2019 Page 98-102

Suyash Mahadev Khatavkar , Prof. M.S. Kakamare "A Study On The Shrinkage Control Of Concrete Using Synthetic Fibers (Early Age Shrinkage Control Module 2)" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 2(12)