Social media are computer- mediated tools that allow people or companies to create, share or exchange information, career interests, ideas and the form of text, audio, video, image in virtual communities and networks. Twitter is a trendy micro blogging service where many users procreate various status messages called tweets. Twitter is the fastest way to get real time information from the around the world. Tweets themselves are short and compact, like newspaper headlines.Analysis of sentiment is widely observed on numerous social networking websites. Nowadays, micro blogging sites deed as a base to perceive the actual social opinion. The task of sentimental analysis is often known by many other names as opinion extraction, opinion mining, sentiment mining, subjectivity analysis.
Twitter, sentiment analysis, tweepy, text blob, machine learning, sentiment classification
IRE Journals:
Parinita Agarwal
"Developing An Approach To Evaluate And Observe Sentiments Of Tweets" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 2 Issue 12 2019 Page 52-57
Parinita Agarwal
"Developing An Approach To Evaluate And Observe Sentiments Of Tweets" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 2(12)