The surface creep crack growth analysis is a critical consideration in prediction of remaining life for high temperature structural components. In this research, the remaining life assessment for internal and external surface cracks in a pressurized vessel was conducted by analytical method. The elliptical surface creek crack growth was investigated with various initial aspect ratios in 316- stainless steel. Estimating Ct at both the deepest point and surface point, the aspect ratios of the surface cracks were updated for every time step. Changes of crack depth, crack size, C* and Ct values at the deepest point and surface point of the crack tip were estimated and used to predict the evolution of crack shape during surface crack growth. It was observed that the remaining life of internal circumferential surface crack was about 53 times longer than that of external axial surface crack at the same crack size and loading conditions. It was also noted that the effects of remaining life, crack propagations and variations of Ct parameters were significantly sensitive to the crack locations and crack depth. There was no obvious convergence of crack aspect ratio observed when crack depth ratio was increased. This method can be extended to various locations of surface crack geometries and various kinds of material properties.
Remaining Life Assessments; Pressurized Vessel; Surface Cracks; Creep Crack Growth
IRE Journals:
Nwe Ni Tun , Zar Chi Thaung
"Surface Creek Crack Growth Analysis For 316- Stainless Steel" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 2 Issue 12 2019 Page 32-40
Nwe Ni Tun , Zar Chi Thaung
"Surface Creek Crack Growth Analysis For 316- Stainless Steel" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 2(12)