Identifying weak buses is imperative to avoid redundant reactive power compensation in order to improve reactive power in any network. As active power demand is increased at fixed reactive power, the matching reactive power support depletes resulting in poor voltage profile due to voltage drops along the transmission lines connecting sending and receiving end buses. As a result, load buses would respond differently due to their varying proximity to power sources and each load bus could have a unique voltage drop index following series of active power increments. The work is a basic investigation for the optimal location of reactive power compensators within the Nigerian 330kV of 41 buses. With power varied from a base case through five steps of 10% increment from the previous, the result of the total voltage drop index ranked Yola, Omotosho and Maiduguri as the locations for shunt compensation. Aided with this result, load flow analyses were executed for the individual and simultaneous shunt compensation at these buses. In each of the individual compensation, the reach of influence of the compensator was limited to the compensated bus and the nearest bus neighbours attaining the nominal value of 330kV or almost near it. Each of the compensated cases when compared with the base case bus load flow result showed significant improvement indicating that the compensation was worth it. However, the individual compensation or simultaneous compensation at two of the three buses did not eliminate bus voltage violation in the other two or one bus as the case may be. The best steady state operation case recorded when the trio of buses at Maiduguri. Omotosho and Yola were all shunt compensated with SVC. No bus in the network had any form of bus voltage violation as the least bus voltage was well within the prescribed limit.
Nigeria power system, Reactive compensation, Voltage drop, Voltage stability, voltage stability improvement
IRE Journals:
Bright G. C , Uju I. U , Ohia C.C
"Predicting Weak Nodes For Reactive Power Compensation In Nigerian Power Network" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 2 Issue 11 2019 Page 8-15
Bright G. C , Uju I. U , Ohia C.C
"Predicting Weak Nodes For Reactive Power Compensation In Nigerian Power Network" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 2(11)