Exhaust valve of a compression ignition engine is one of the most crucial parts in the engine head. It is the main cause of most problems like pre ignition etc. Both the inlet and exhaust valves are subjected to high temperatures during the power stroke, therefore, it is necessary to take care about the materials of the valves such that it should withstand those higher temperatures. Design of the valve depends on so many different parameters like fluid dynamics of exhaust gas, behavior of material at high temperature, oxidization characteristics of valve material and exhausts gas, fatigue strength of valve material, coolant flow and the shape of the exhaust port etc. The most important factor affecting the performance of a valve is its operating temperature i.e. temperature at the inlet valve is less compared to exhaust valve. In first stage, 3D model of the exhaust valve is modeled and the analysis is done using COMSOL 4.3b software. In this paper, the design of engine exhaust valve and its temperature distribution are discussed. The above process of thermal analysis is carried out with two different materials i.e. 21-4N super alloy and Nimonic 80A and finally the best material is suggested for the valve based on its strength and thermal properties.
Compression ignition, COMSOL, Inlet and exhaust valve,Operating temperature
IRE Journals:
Aung KoLatt , San Yin Htwe , Myo Zaw , Khin Khin Khaing
"A Study Of Temperature Distribution In CI Engine Exhaust Valve" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 2 Issue 10 2019 Page 169-174
Aung KoLatt , San Yin Htwe , Myo Zaw , Khin Khin Khaing
"A Study Of Temperature Distribution In CI Engine Exhaust Valve" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 2(10)