Design And Implementation Of Five Level To Seven Front End Converter For Electric Vehicle
  • Author(s): P.Rajkumar ; S.Vivek Singh ; Aakash.J.Parikh ; M.Vishwanathan ; M.Vishal, G.Mariya Sundari
  • Paper ID: 1701160
  • Page: 285-291
  • Published Date: 06-05-2019
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 2 Issue 10 April-2019

The increasing consumption of conventional energy in the world with increasing costs of fossil fuel is justifiable reason for using fuel cell technology with high performance. However, the output voltage of fuel cell stack is very low and it is not sufficient to drive the electric vehicle. The three level hybrid boost dc-dc converter, which can be step-up the fuel cell output voltage with high voltage gain. The working principle of the converter is based on the traditional neutral clamped multi-level inverter. Here, MOSFET based three level converter is designed and the steady state of filtering capacitors are simulated with MATLAB software. Fuel cell stack is designed in the place of normal dc battery. Hybrid boost dc-dc converter is connected to Multi level inverter for AC output to drive the Electric Vehicle (EV). The hardware of the above converter as a laboratory setup is implemented and the results are obtained.


Front end converter, Fuel Cell, DC-DC Converter, Seven-Level, Electric Vehicle, Battery


IRE Journals:
P.Rajkumar , S.Vivek Singh , Aakash.J.Parikh , M.Vishwanathan , M.Vishal, G.Mariya Sundari "Design And Implementation Of Five Level To Seven Front End Converter For Electric Vehicle" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 2 Issue 10 2019 Page 285-291

P.Rajkumar , S.Vivek Singh , Aakash.J.Parikh , M.Vishwanathan , M.Vishal, G.Mariya Sundari "Design And Implementation Of Five Level To Seven Front End Converter For Electric Vehicle" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 2(10)