Lakes have a special role to play in Life of humankind. Lakes have supported mankind since historical period. However, the use of lake water is for drinking and agricultural pentose, but not all lakes are supporting for the same use. Because by virtue of some particular property and value every lake performs, particular function. The function depends upon location, size a various ecosystem characteristics of lake and of contras the degree of human interference in the matter of water pollution.
IRE Journals:
Amol B. Sawant , Vasundhara H. Lavangare , Anagha A. Sawant
"Restoration & Management Of Urban Lakes: Case Study-Kotitirth" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 2 Issue 9 2019 Page 98-104
Amol B. Sawant , Vasundhara H. Lavangare , Anagha A. Sawant
"Restoration & Management Of Urban Lakes: Case Study-Kotitirth" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 2(9)