India, the second most populated country after China is achieving its heights regarding transportation engineering. With the increase in population, migration from rural to urban and sudden strong economic rise has unambiguously put gigantic pressure on the basic facilities, services and installations needed for the functioning of transportation system. ITS technologies include state-of-the art wireless, electronic, and automated technologies with a goal to improve surface transportation safety, efficiency, and convenience. Reducing energy consumption, while not a primary goal for ITS, is a demonstrated ITS benefit. This paper reviews and summarizes key energy benefits associated with a variety of ITS technologies that have been documented through models. Traffic control has been an issue since humans put the first wheels on the first cart. The modern world demands mobility. Cars represent the main method of mobility, but today?s congested highways and city streets don?t move fast, and sometimes they don?t move at all. Intelligent traffic systems (ITS), sometimes called intelligent transportation systems, apply communications and information technology to provide solutions to this congestion as well as other traffic control issues. Over the past decades, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) have developed and deployed in order to improve transportation safety and mobility, reduces environmental impact, promotes sustainable transportation development and enhances productivity.
ITS, wireless, electronic and automated technologies, information systems, communication, sensor
IRE Journals:
Dilip Khandu Shinde , Prof. Ashish Pruthviraj Waghmare , Prof. Pankaj Gawande
"Utility Of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) For Traffic Management Of Road Traffic" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 2 Issue 9 2019 Page 184-189
Dilip Khandu Shinde , Prof. Ashish Pruthviraj Waghmare , Prof. Pankaj Gawande
"Utility Of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) For Traffic Management Of Road Traffic" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 2(9)