A Study on Human Resource Strategies for Managing and Integrating Gig Workers into Traditional Workforces
  • Author(s): Hegde Lata Narayan
  • Paper ID: 1701035
  • Page: 192-207
  • Published Date: 06-04-2019
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 2 Issue 9 March-2019

This research paper explores the evolving role of human resource (HR) strategies in managing and integrating gig workers into traditional workforces, reflecting the growing importance of the gig economy as a dynamic labor model that has expanded significantly in recent years due to technological advancements, globalization, and shifting employee preferences, with the gig workforce offering organizations flexibility, cost-efficiency, and access to specialized talent, but also presenting unique challenges for HR professionals who must bridge the divide between permanent employees and gig workers to foster a cohesive, productive, and inclusive work environment, as the paper examines the complexities of managing a blended workforce by highlighting key HR strategies that address the unique needs of gig workers while ensuring alignment with traditional employment practices, including onboarding processes, performance management, and compensation structures; the study discusses the need for innovative approaches such as customized training programs for gig workers to ensure they can quickly adapt to organizational culture and processes, along with creating policies that ensure fair compensation and benefits packages that, while flexible, provide basic protections for gig workers who often operate without traditional job security, highlighting the role of technology in facilitating these processes through HR Information Systems (HRIS) that enable seamless integration, task management, and communication across the workforce; in addition, the paper explores how HR can foster inclusion and engagement among gig workers by implementing strategies such as collaboration platforms, team-building initiatives, and recognition programs that reduce the perceived divide between gig and permanent employees, promoting a sense of belonging and reducing turnover; the study further considers the legal and ethical implications of managing gig workers, stressing the importance of compliance with labor laws and the ethical need to balance flexibility with fairness, offering examples of organizations that have successfully implemented gig worker integration strategies; in conclusion, the paper emphasizes that HR strategies must evolve to manage gig workers effectively by adopting flexible yet inclusive approaches that prioritize engagement, fair treatment, and alignment with long-term organizational goals, ensuring that both gig workers and permanent employees contribute positively to organizational success in a rapidly changing employment landscape.


Gig workers, Blended workforce, HR strategies, Workforce integration, Flexibility and inclusion, Performance management


IRE Journals:
Hegde Lata Narayan "A Study on Human Resource Strategies for Managing and Integrating Gig Workers into Traditional Workforces" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 2 Issue 9 2019 Page 192-207

Hegde Lata Narayan "A Study on Human Resource Strategies for Managing and Integrating Gig Workers into Traditional Workforces" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 2(9)