Today Earthquake-resistant construction of structures has grown into a true field of engineering in which many exciting developments are possible in the future. Most of among these are: (a)A complete probabilistic analysis and design approach, (b) Performance-based design code, (c) Multiple annual probability hazard maps for response spectral accelerations and peak ground accelerations with better properties of site soils, topography, near-field effects, (d) new structural systems and devices usingnon-traditional civil engineering materials and techniques, (e) New refined analytical tools for reliable prediction of structural response, including nonlinearity, strength and stiffness degradation due to cyclicloads, geometry effects and more importantly, effectsof soil?structure interaction.
IRE Journals:
Dinesh Kumar , Amit Kumar
"Latest Trends In Earthquake Resistant Construction " Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 2 Issue 8 2019 Page 119-121
Dinesh Kumar , Amit Kumar
"Latest Trends In Earthquake Resistant Construction " Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 2(8)