Level Of Service (LOS) Effect In Terrain Conditions
  • Author(s): S RAJI ; Prof. A Jagannathan
  • Paper ID: 1700924
  • Page: 32-36
  • Published Date: 11-02-2019
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 2 Issue 8 February-2019

The Road Traffic flow is a process that which involves the interaction between road facility, vehicles and characteristics of road users. The stochastic nature of traffic stream flow gives random variations in vehicles, user characteristics and their interactions. Further, traffic stream characteristics also changes due to variations in design of road facilities. Level of Service (LOS) applied for quantitative measure to represent quality of service provided by road facility varies between Levels of Service ?A? through ?F? where, LOS?A? represents the highest and LOS?F? representing the lowest. Though Highway Capacity Manual presented the level-of-service concept for highway capacity analysis, with Capacity and flow as parameters for measuring LOS , but with minor changes later speed, density, headway, spacing etc. have also been used for evaluating LOS. However, the concept of LOS is presently applicable only to plain terrain conditions but not rolling terrain. Therefore the standard conditions cannot be applied for all terrains and LOS need to be assessed for Terrain having more than 2% gradient and demographic conditions where higher levels of roads such as Highways and freeways are not provided. This paper represents the study of roads carried out in Port Blair, the capital of Union Territory of A&N Islands , to compare LOS for the prevailing the gradient and capacity with the LOS levels recommended by various Standards


LOS, V-C Ratio, Modal Speed, Geometric Standards


IRE Journals:
S RAJI , Prof. A Jagannathan "Level Of Service (LOS) Effect In Terrain Conditions" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 2 Issue 8 2019 Page 32-36

S RAJI , Prof. A Jagannathan "Level Of Service (LOS) Effect In Terrain Conditions" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 2(8)