This paper examines the role of women in elections. The women constitute nearly 50% of the total population in India while their representation in politics is below 10%. Political parties in India are rallying around women issues in order to woo women voters who have already proved their decisiveness in 2014 general elections. So far Indian political scenario has been India is entering another milestone in elections in 2019 and the role of women is further significant. Despite their gross under representation as politicians women need to be considered as voters. Female voter turnout is increasing while compared to men voters. Indian which is considered as a patriarchal society is moving towards a change which is very significant from the national point of view. Gender dynamics is being viewed as a priority factor by all political campaigners. Women suffer from several issues and they are also the most vulnerable group .The increasing instances of gender based violence, caste based aggression and atrocities have been making women feel apprehensive and defenceless. They need support socially as well politically. The policy makers often neglect women and concentrate on general issues instead of gender issues. Hence the general elections of 2019 can be a path finder in addressing women issues through increased women participation.
Indian women voters, Gender dynamics, key issues, political party's agenda
IRE Journals:
Shantha P. R.
"Gender Dynamics- Changing Role Of Women Voters In India" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 2 Issue 7 2019 Page 81-83
Shantha P. R.
"Gender Dynamics- Changing Role Of Women Voters In India" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 2(7)