This paper examines the need for focusing on applying inclusive education practices in promotion of awareness about museum management & museum administration. India is a culturally rich country with great historical legacy. The need for conserving Indian heritage is imperative because innumerable monuments and historical buildings are in a dilapidated condition. Every citizen needs to understand the significance of conserving nation?s historical records, monuments and such other artefacts. Every citizen needs to identify his role as a genuine custodian of nation?s historical past. Several countries across the globe have experimented museum management curriculum as a part of the general curriculum and have succeeded in creating awareness among students. The success of such experiments have heralded thought process where in educationists and academicians explored the ways of conserving the historical past of a country through inclusive education directed towards museum management. Museums which are considered as the repositories of a nation?s cultural wealth and heritage are diverse in nature and diverse in their working. Invaluable historical relics, objects & ruins are conserved in museums, but the general awareness about the procedural upkeep of these precious possessions is very poor among students. Present curriculum does not support content on museum management. Through applying inclusive educational practices via comprehensive curriculum on museum management, millions of students can become responsive towards historical conservation & museum management.
Status of museums, inclusive education practices, responsive tradition, historical legacy
IRE Journals:
Dr. Vidya H. N.
"Benefits Beyond Borders - Improving Status Of Museums - Time For Sustainability Initiatives Through Inclusive Education Practices" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 2 Issue 7 2019 Page 33-36
Dr. Vidya H. N.
"Benefits Beyond Borders - Improving Status Of Museums - Time For Sustainability Initiatives Through Inclusive Education Practices" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 2(7)