Architectural Conservation - Addressing Air Pollution Challenges Through Solid Initiatives
  • Author(s): DR. VIDYA H N
  • Paper ID: 1700865
  • Page: 28-31
  • Published Date: 19-12-2018
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 2 Issue 6 December-2018

This paper explores the challenges posed by air pollution in conservation of heritage buildings and focuses on policy intervention. India is abode of innumerable historical monuments and invaluable heritage buildings. Every state in India has its own historicity and heritage sites. Air pollution is alarming in India that India accounts for 1.1 million deaths due to air pollution and double this number die from co-related pollution disorders every year. Urban centers are facing havoc situation with air pollution and India is supposed to beat China in coming years in air pollution measurable. But the increasing challenges of air pollution are causing greater damage to heritage buildings. Vehicular traffic emission , fly ash dust , coal heating , burning of trash , factory smoke etc are causing heavy damage to historical buildings etc Chemical pollutants such as sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide along with carbonyl are causing damage to outer surfaces of heritage buildings As a result , the buildings are fading and quickly decaying , thus giving a jolt to Indian heritage & historical identity. There is a need to create awareness about architectural conservation and understand the dangers caused by air pollution to Indian heritage preservation. A concrete policy on air pollution containing can prevail to assist and support awareness initiatives & there by join hands in preserving historical antiquity.


Architectural Conservation, air pollution, impact on heritage buildings, challenges.


IRE Journals:
DR. VIDYA H N "Architectural Conservation - Addressing Air Pollution Challenges Through Solid Initiatives" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 2 Issue 6 2018 Page 28-31

DR. VIDYA H N "Architectural Conservation - Addressing Air Pollution Challenges Through Solid Initiatives" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 2(6)