This review paper provides insights into the complex mechanisms and dynamics of chain reactions in chemical kinetics. It discusses theoretical and conceptual frameworks for understanding self-propagating chain reactions and their fundamental role in several chemical fields. Analyses of initiation, propagation, and termination steps of the chain reactions are presented. Among the other details addressed in this review are the effects of reaction conditions, such as temperature and pressure, on the rate and efficiency of chain reactions. Specifically, the paper discusses a type of chain reactions called a free radical chain reaction, while its examination covers the basics of the reaction and the specifics of the ‘chain-intermediates’ used to fuel the reaction, such as free radicals, atoms, and ions. Moreover, the history of the development of chain reaction theory was analyzed with the focus on the works of contributors to this area, including N. N. Semenov and Cyril N. Hinshelwood, in order to understand modern approaches to chain kinetics. Finally, the review details the instrumental role of experimental findings and advanced computational models in the prediction of specific pathways for chain reactions. Special attention is given to industrial applications of these reactions, such as the controlling chain lengths and branching points to ensure the use of a specific hydrocarbon for a desired purpose. In order to understand how chain reactions can be regulated by catalysts and inhibitors with the objective to increase or diminish the number of cycles, this review investigates the mechanisms of promoting or preventing the chain process. It also refers to the professional insights gained from the review as to how to predict, synthetize, and alter the outcomes produced in various models. Chain reactions are a kind of self-repeatedly scenarios where products become a part of the reactants and their sequence may vary from 2-3 steps to about 5–7 steps in large complex systems. With chain reactions, a variety of beneficial and harmful chemical processes can be identified, such as the depletion of the ozone layer, or the making of polyethylene. Special challenges with regard to predictive assumptions for chain reactions are apparent in non-ideal systems. Several further issues, which are explained in the review, refer to the problems of current approaches to chain reaction simulations and the way future prediction should depend more on experimental data. Many chemicals in our lives are present or synthesized as a part of chain reactions. As they are capable of both beneficial and harmful effects, this is an active area of research. While positive achievements have been made in the area, additional research is needed for refining predictive accuracy in the area and safely controlling chain reactions in many chemical systems.
Chain Reactions, Chemical Kinetics, Free Radical Reactions, Polymerization, Combustion, Reaction Modeling
IRE Journals:
Umesh B. Hunagund
"Exploring Chain Reactions in Chemical Kinetics: A Comprehensive Review" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 2 Issue 5 2018 Page 217-230
Umesh B. Hunagund
"Exploring Chain Reactions in Chemical Kinetics: A Comprehensive Review" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 2(5)