Performance Analysis Of Active Solar Water Heating System
  • Author(s): Aye Aye Thet ; Aung Ko Latt ; San Yin Htwe ; Myo Zaw
  • Paper ID: 1700785
  • Page: 108-116
  • Published Date: 30-11-2018
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 2 Issue 5 November-2018

The objective of this thesis is to investigate the temperature distribution in a flat-plate solar collector tube by experimentally and numerically. Experimental study is performed on a small scale flat-plate solar collector in December at Mandalay 21.98˚latitude and 96.1˚longitude. The cover and absorber plate are made of glass (0.9144m length×0.6096m width) and steel (0.762m length×0.5558m width). The riser tubes are made of steel with 0.014m diameter and 0.762m length respectively. The back cover is insulated with foam of 0.0254m thickness. The absorber plate transfers heat energy to water flowing in the tubes. The flow can takes place due to thermosyphon effect. However, certain energy absorbed by temperature of the plate which in turn is dependent on the nature of flow of water inside the tube, solar insolation, collector inclination angle, number of riser tube, ambient temperature and material. According to the experimental results, the highest water outlet temperature is 50˚C at 31th December with collector efficiency 35% while the ambient temperature is 29˚C. Then, the water outlet temperature from experiment is compared with numerical analysis. From this research, useful factors can be provided to apply for industrial water heating.


Flat plate collector, industrial water heating, solar isolation, collector inclination angle, ambient temperature


IRE Journals:
Aye Aye Thet , Aung Ko Latt , San Yin Htwe , Myo Zaw "Performance Analysis Of Active Solar Water Heating System" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 2 Issue 5 2018 Page 108-116

Aye Aye Thet , Aung Ko Latt , San Yin Htwe , Myo Zaw "Performance Analysis Of Active Solar Water Heating System" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 2(5)