Review Paper On Smart Energy Meter Using IoT
  • Author(s): Pooja Raju Warghat ; Ayushi Tiwari ; Oshin Gaikwad ; Roshani Bambal ; Shubham Randhe; Prof. Madhuri Dubey
  • Paper ID: 1700763
  • Page: 13-16
  • Published Date: 17-10-2018
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 2 Issue 4 October-2018

We can see a person standing in front of our house, whose duty is to read the energy meter. The person checks the meter board, takes the readings and the bill is received at the customer?s place within two or three days. This procedure from taking the meter readings to generating the electric bills and delivering the electric bills to each customer?s house involves a lot of time as well as money. Sometimes there may be issues like extra bill amount or notifications to the customers even if the bill is paid. To overcome this drawback we have come up with an idea of developing an IOT based smart energy meter which will reduce the errors in bill generation and also save the time of the workers of the electricity board. In this system, the electric meter board will be connected to Arduino board which will take the readings from the meter board with the help of sensor and will give the notifications or to update the readings on the web based system which will be connected through the Wi-Fi module. The readings or the consumption are updated every single day depending upon how much the energy is been consumed in a particular house. This system also involves sending the notifications or messages to the customer about the consumption of energy. Through this system, the customer can get the notification about the energy consumption globally.


Energy Meter, Arduino, GSM Modem, Wi-Fi, Digital Screen, Web Page, Load.


IRE Journals:
Pooja Raju Warghat , Ayushi Tiwari , Oshin Gaikwad , Roshani Bambal , Shubham Randhe; Prof. Madhuri Dubey "Review Paper On Smart Energy Meter Using IoT" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 2 Issue 4 2018 Page 13-16

Pooja Raju Warghat , Ayushi Tiwari , Oshin Gaikwad , Roshani Bambal , Shubham Randhe; Prof. Madhuri Dubey "Review Paper On Smart Energy Meter Using IoT" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 2(4)