Study Of Properties Of Bendable Concrete For M25 Grade
  • Author(s): Gaurav Harod ; Mr. Akhil Parwal ; Ms. Sonam Nasikkar
  • Paper ID: 1700757
  • Page: 1-6
  • Published Date: 11-10-2018
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 2 Issue 4 October-2018

Engineered Cementitious Composite has new variety of fiber reinforced concrete featured as Bendable concrete (BC). It is a simply molded mortar-based composite, reinforced with precisely selected small sized fibers, sometimes polymer fibers. Unlike regular concrete bendable concrete has a strain capability within the range of 3 to 7 percent when compared to 0.01% for ordinary Portland cement (OPC). It also acts more like a ductile metal than a normal OPC concrete which acts like a brittle glass. That's why it leads to wide applications. In this research there have been 1 standard concrete batch mix of total 36 samples and 3 partially concrete batch mix of108 sample were created. Every batch contains 36 samples of concrete cubes of 150x150x150mm size, 36 samples of beams of 100x100x500mm size and 36 samples of cylinders of 150x300mm size. Additionally for the check of durability 9samples (cubes, beams and cylinders) were created. These samples were tested with different partially replaced samples for comparison purpose.


IRE Journals:
Gaurav Harod , Mr. Akhil Parwal , Ms. Sonam Nasikkar "Study Of Properties Of Bendable Concrete For M25 Grade" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 2 Issue 4 2018 Page 1-6

Gaurav Harod , Mr. Akhil Parwal , Ms. Sonam Nasikkar "Study Of Properties Of Bendable Concrete For M25 Grade" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 2(4)