Relations Self Concept And Motivation With Critical Thinking Ability In Learning Social Science
  • Author(s): Siti Nurul Chasanah ; M.Syarif Sumantri ; Sarkadi
  • Paper ID: 1700729
  • Page: 76-82
  • Published Date: 31-08-2018
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 2 Issue 2 August-2018

Critical Thinking Skills, Self-Concept, and Motivation is an important factor that must be developed and owned by a student. The research was conducted in the area of group IV District of KramatJati, East Jakarta, namely the Middle SDN 01, SDN Central 03, Central SDN 07. The sample in this study as many as 120. In this research method used is survey method with Pearson Product Moment Correlation Technique (PPM) , Based on the research resultsfound that (1) The concept itself has a direct relationship positive with critical thinking skills in teaching social studies (2) motivation to learn has a direct relationship positive with critical thinking skills in the learning IPS (3) There is a relationship between self-concept, motivation to learn, and critical thinking skills in social studies learning. It can be concluded that there is a relationship between self-concept, motivation to learn, and critical thinking skills in social studies learning


Critical Thinking Skills, Self-Concept, Motivation.


IRE Journals:
Siti Nurul Chasanah , M.Syarif Sumantri , Sarkadi "Relations Self Concept And Motivation With Critical Thinking Ability In Learning Social Science" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 2 Issue 2 2018 Page 76-82

Siti Nurul Chasanah , M.Syarif Sumantri , Sarkadi "Relations Self Concept And Motivation With Critical Thinking Ability In Learning Social Science" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 2(2)