• Author(s): Nwosu M. C. ; Aguh P. S. ; Ezeanyim O. C.
  • Paper ID: 1700712
  • Page: 21-29
  • Published Date: 21-07-2018
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 2 Issue 1 July-2018

Solar energy is very relevant in applications in Industries, Agro- machines and homes. This has necessitated the development of some sort of scientific and engineering techniques to effectively harness Photovoltaic and solar heat energy generations and utilizations. As a result, there are three theoretical models instituted to effectively utilize the photovoltaic energy in different spheres of applications in technology. To this, considerations were made on the capacity requirements and reliability of the systems components and behavior as can be seen in: Solar Panel, Load Requirement, Battery Sizing, Discharge time of the stored energy, Time to fully charge the battery, charge controller sizing, and wires sizing for: Solar panel, Battery connection and Connections to the charge Controller. The scope of this study is the design of models for utilization of solar heat energy in different spheres of life. The main reason for this work is to ensure for effective development of models and applications of solar photovoltaic energy to machines and other devices or systems. It is also served as a guide to young and inquisitive technicians to design substantially in systems and machines applications.


Modeling, Photovoltaic energy, Devices, Machines, Systems.


IRE Journals:
Nwosu M. C. , Aguh P. S. , Ezeanyim O. C. "MODELING OF PHOTOVOLTAIC ENERGY UTILIZATIONS IN MACHINES AND DEVICES SYSTEMS" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 2 Issue 1 2018 Page 21-29

Nwosu M. C. , Aguh P. S. , Ezeanyim O. C. "MODELING OF PHOTOVOLTAIC ENERGY UTILIZATIONS IN MACHINES AND DEVICES SYSTEMS" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 2(1)