The study titled ?Service Quality Analysis of various services offered by Innovative Film city? is an exploratory research conducted with the objectives to study the various services offered by IFC, to study the service quality of the various services and to measure the service quality effectiveness. The study was conducted in Bangalore city. The respondents were the visitors to IFC who were drawn by convenience sampling technique. Structured questionnaire was designed and administered to capture the primary data. The data was analyzed using SPSS 21.0. Factor analysis and Correlation was used for statistical analysis. Bar graph is used for pictorial representation of the data. Innovative Film city has emerged as a major landmark in the field of Entertainment and holiday destination. IFC is the most sought after destination in the south Bangalore catering thousands of people year after year. The famous Big boss house in IFC has become the center of attraction for many visitors. The wide variety of games and water sports creates a sensational experience amongst the visitors. IFC is successful in providing a better sporting experience at a relatively better price. Although the IFC has a dedicated shopping complex within the campus, it is not sufficient to cater the needs of large number of visitors. Henceforth adding more number of shops is solicited. Overall IFC is marching towards becoming an important entertainment destination in Bangalore city.
Entertainment, Service gap, Facilities, Ambience, quality
IRE Journals:
"A Study On Service Quality Analysis For Various Services Offered By Innovative Film City " Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 1 Issue 12 2018 Page 18-22
"A Study On Service Quality Analysis For Various Services Offered By Innovative Film City " Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 1(12)