Missing Person Finder Android Applications
  • Author(s): Rohan Madhukar Porje ; RAKESH SANYASHIV ; HARISH SALVE ; HETAL BIRARI
  • Paper ID: 1700689
  • Page: 1-4
  • Published Date: 28-06-2018
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 1 Issue 12 June-2018

Now-a- days finding the missing person is very difficult task to find out by people or police department, lots of documentation and hard work is there also it takes the lot of time duration as well as there is no guaranty of appropriate result. This application contains functionality to add complaint as well as view all complaints. By using these complaints, Trust members will try to find lost person in various areas. This application will upload complaint on web server which can be accessed by any of the trust member having this application. This project Finding Missing Person using Face Detection on Android Application presents the solution for this problem. We are using four modules User, Police, Compliant holder, Admin for getting appropriate result. Admin continuously Update database and Delete unnecessary data


Android Application, Face Detection Layer.


IRE Journals:
Rohan Madhukar Porje , RAKESH SANYASHIV , HARISH SALVE , HETAL BIRARI "Missing Person Finder Android Applications" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 1 Issue 12 2018 Page 1-4

Rohan Madhukar Porje , RAKESH SANYASHIV , HARISH SALVE , HETAL BIRARI "Missing Person Finder Android Applications" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 1(12)