Bandwidth In SFDC
  • Author(s): Shakti Singh Rajput
  • Paper ID: 1700612
  • Page: 228-241
  • Published Date: 29-04-2018
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 1 Issue 10 April-2018

Salesforce is intended to use as very little information measure as attainable, in order that the positioning performs adequately over high-speed, dial-up, and wireless net connections. whereas average page size is on the order of 90KB, Salesforce supports compression as outlined within the communications protocol one.1 commonplace to compress the hypertext mark-up language content before it's transmitted as knowledge across the net to a user's pc. the positioning was designed with minimum information measure necessities in mind, thus the in depth use of colour committal to writing rather than pictures. Our average user is also far-famed to look at roughly one hundred twenty pages from our web site per day. However, it's best to live any page that has been tailor-made, particularly if Visual Force parts are acquisitions to the page, to urge Associate in Nursing correct measure of the page size. Our application is homeless, therefore, there are not any communication necessities within the background once the page masses like ancient shopper server applications e.g. Outlook. Therefore, once the page masses there are not any extra information measure necessities till a user queries or writesinformation to Salesforce. In practice we have found the bandwidth requirements for other commonly used programs place a much higher demand on Internet bandwidth. We have also found through working wit. An example would be an Account Executive sending a 7MB marketing brochure or PowerPoint presentation to a customer. The application of the formula "Peak bandwidth/number of users = average bandwidth per user" does not accurately portray the average bandwidth usage by the average user at Salesforce.


IRE Journals:
Shakti Singh Rajput "Bandwidth In SFDC" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 1 Issue 10 2018 Page 228-241

Shakti Singh Rajput "Bandwidth In SFDC" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 1(10)