• Author(s): N Priyanka Chowdary ; P Rajitha ; M Aneesha ; J Madhu Babu
  • Paper ID: 1700465
  • Page: 294-298
  • Published Date: 16-04-2018
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 1 Issue 9 March-2018

Short Message Service (SMS) has become an extension of our lives and plays an important role in daily chores. SMS is a popular medium for delivering Value Added Services and are suitable for mobile banking, payment reminders, SOS calls, stock and news alerts, railway and flight enquiries etc. These types of messages are normally computer generated messages sent over Short Message Peer-to- Peer (SMPP) protocol. SMPP is an application layer protocol to send messages over TCP/IP connection. The Short Message Peer-to- Peer (SMPP) protocol is a telecommunications industry protocol for exchanging SMS messages between SMS peer entities such as short message service centers and/or External Short Messaging Entities. SMPP protocol has no security measures specified which allows fast delivery of SMS messages in bulk. Compromised messages or loss of messages can cause lot of revenue loss and fatal consequences. A secure SMPP protocol is proposed and implemented by introducing Transport Layer Security (TLS) with SMPP protocol specifications. A client tool is developed to securely connect to the server. Secure Short Message Peer-to- Peer protocol will enhance the security of fast growing messaging and telecommunication world.


IRE Journals:
N Priyanka Chowdary , P Rajitha , M Aneesha , J Madhu Babu "SECURITY FOR SHORT MESSAGE PEER-TO-PEER PROTOCOL" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 1 Issue 9 2018 Page 294-298

N Priyanka Chowdary , P Rajitha , M Aneesha , J Madhu Babu "SECURITY FOR SHORT MESSAGE PEER-TO-PEER PROTOCOL" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 1(9)