Advance Security Enhancement In Android Application
  • Author(s): Harshna Babbar ; Ravindra Kumar Soni
  • Paper ID: 1700368
  • Page: 198-205
  • Published Date: 29-03-2018
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 1 Issue 9 March-2018

Android security has been a problem area as of late in both scholastic research and open worries because of various examples of security assaults and protection spillage on Android stage. Android security has been based upon a consent based system which limits gets to of outsider Android applications to basic assets on an Android gadget. Such consent based system is broadly reprimanded for its coarse-grained control of utilization authorizations and troublesome administration of consents by engineers, advertisers, and end-clients. Android has a layered design that enables applications to use administrations gave by the hidden Linux bit. In any case, Android does not keep applications from straightforwardly setting off the bit functionalities through framework call summons. As of late appeared in the writing, this component can be mishandled by malignant applications and subsequently lead to bothersome impacts. The reception of SEAndroid in the most recent Android dispersions may moderate the issue. However, the viability of SEAndroid to counter these dangers is resolved in this paper. In this paper, we discuss about the more security enhancement in Android and how we implement this security.


SELinux, AOSP, dmesg, logcat, MAC, DAC


IRE Journals:
Harshna Babbar , Ravindra Kumar Soni "Advance Security Enhancement In Android Application" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 1 Issue 9 2018 Page 198-205

Harshna Babbar , Ravindra Kumar Soni "Advance Security Enhancement In Android Application" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 1(9)