• Author(s): SHARAD RANJAN ; Shakshi Mishra
  • Paper ID: 1700258
  • Page: 68-73
  • Published Date: 25-03-2018
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 1 Issue 9 March-2018

Now a days the concept of smart cities have gained great popularity. The reason behind this is the evolution of Internet of things (IOT) with the help of which the concept of smart town now appears to be exist. Steady efforts are being made inside the field of IoT so that it will maximize the productivity and reliability of city infrastructure. The growing wide variety of cars on the road along with the mismanagement of existing parking system leads to several issues which include, traffic congestion, constrained car parking facilities and avenue safety. For this reason it is enormously required to increase an automated clever parking control system that could assist the driver to discover a few suitable parking space for his/her vehicle very quickly. Although adequate amount of studies working for the improvement of clever parking system exist in literature, but maximum of them have not addressed the trouble of actual-time detection of mistaken parking and automatic series of parking prices. It is quite a difficult and tedious job to look for a free or vacant parking space while traveling. So, smart parking system allows reserving the parking spot in advance, which helps in reduction of time in searching the parking spot, reduction in traffic congestion, reduction in pollution, reduction in frustration of drivers etc.


Internet of Things; Cloud Computing; Smart Parking; Smart City; Cloud of Things


IRE Journals:
SHARAD RANJAN , Shakshi Mishra "SMART E-PARKING SYSTEM" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 1 Issue 9 2018 Page 68-73

SHARAD RANJAN , Shakshi Mishra "SMART E-PARKING SYSTEM" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 1(9)