The proposed method explains the working of Viola-Jones algorithm for face tracking in real time. Face tracking in a real time environment is critical for security surveillance, video coding and Advanced Robotics. It has a potential for wide range of applications by integrating MATLAB and Arduino. The main objective of the project is to detect a human face in every frame of the video coming from a web camera and the captured image is processed using viola-jones algorithm using MATLAB and to detect the faces and send signals to the Arduino board to control the movement of the camera using two servo motors. One servo for horizontal rotation and another for vertical rotation, face shall be tracked actively and maintained in the frame. The MATLAB code may also include some of the built in functions for the effective face recognition and seamless tracking in real time environment. Applications of this concept are wide spread from video coding to advanced robotics.
Cascading Classifiers, Face Tracking, Image Processing, Viola-Jones.
IRE Journals:
Venkata Sasank Pamulapati , Yekula Sumith Rohan , Vemula Sai Kiran , Saranu Sandeep , Maram Srinivasa Rao
"Real Time Face Tracking Using MATLAB And Arduino" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 1 Issue 8 2018 Page 59-62
Venkata Sasank Pamulapati , Yekula Sumith Rohan , Vemula Sai Kiran , Saranu Sandeep , Maram Srinivasa Rao
"Real Time Face Tracking Using MATLAB And Arduino" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 1(8)