A Comparison Between Famous Discrete State Space Models
  • Author(s): Prashant K Shah
  • Paper ID: 1700143
  • Page: 6-13
  • Published Date: 16-01-2018
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 1 Issue 7 January-2018

n-D system has been very interesting areas from several past decades, due to its various applications. These n-D systems are not easy to represent compare to 1D system. There are several methods that has been used to overcome any problem but among them state space model based methods has accurate solution compare to others. In past few years, Two-dimensional (2-D) discrete Systems have attracted due to their effectiveness in describing systems in several modern engineering fields like image data processing and transformation, thermal processes, water stream heating, etc, out of available space state models.This paper review and compare different 2-D state space models. From comparative analysis we are going to show which model is best usable for which application. And also we have done stability analysis by using our derived criteria and try to conclude the best model in terms of stability.


Two-dimentional;Control; State-Space; Givone-Roesser(GR); Fornasni-Marchesini(FM)


IRE Journals:
Prashant K Shah "A Comparison Between Famous Discrete State Space Models" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 1 Issue 7 2018 Page 6-13

Prashant K Shah "A Comparison Between Famous Discrete State Space Models" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 1(7)